Railmeat To The Max
It would take our whole membership to sail this boat.
And we would probably need a bigger bay.
It would take our whole membership to sail this boat.
And we would probably need a bigger bay.
Thanks to Jim Heumann who crews on THATUNA for sending this in. Have a post idea? Send it in to webmaster@ptsa.org.
I’m a member and I […]
It seems like the technology of sailing continues to evolve at a faster rate. From Kimball Livingston’s Blue Planet Times.
By Kimball […]
Sail Magazine’s annual innovation awards with some interesting new products.
The BG-Zeus MFD can show laylines.
Sailing […]
It’s almost bottom paint time, how smooth are you going to sand and burnish? Could super smooth be slower? From Scuttlebutt.
Some ideas on dealing with the very small gauge wires that are used on many new electronics. From Ben at Panbo.
Thanks to Jak Mang – who has an interesting electronics project of his own in the very early stages – for pointing this out. In this app, modifiable, generic polars […]