The weather did not look good. Dark clouds and cold. But as the races progressed the sun came out and it warmed up. The wind was light and flukey, which made for some big lead changes, especially during the second race. It was clear that crews were working out their spinnaker handling as several hour-glass hoists, and one attempt at catching some shrimp were observed. All-in-all another good evening on the water.

PTSA Thunderbird Whitecap W/L Series – 2023 – 4 races run
  April 05 April 12 April 19 April 26
Stand- ing Sail # Boat Name Skipper Racing cancelled due to High Winds Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Total Boat Name Stand-ing
1 1248 Kuma San J Lynes & J Heumann 1 2 [4] 1 4 Kuma San 1
2 1144 Blew Bird Ken Lane 2 [3] 2 2     6 Blew Bird 2
3 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles [3] 1 3 3 7 Falcon 3
4 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates 4 [OCS/7] 1 6 11 Corvo 4
5 642 Owl Dale Dunning [5] 4 5 4 13 Owl 5
6 1144 Merlin Mark Blatter [6] 5 6 5 16 Merlin 6
Approx. Wind conditions at CB at race start Speed – Kts. 11.5-12 6 7.8  
Direction – Deg. True 305 310 322
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