Seven Tbirds came out for two races of two laps each. The first race saw Dorado take a commanding lead only to be overtaken right at the line by Corvo, with Kuma San taking third about 30 second back. In the second race Corvo lead most of the way followed by Kuma San. But the wind shut down on the last downwind and Possum , seeing a little more wind on the left side of the course, just squeezed out a win over Kuma for second place, with Corvo taking first. In both races there were a lot of short, but significant, wind shifts. which made deciding when to tack challenging. Another good night of racing.

PTSA Thunderbird Catspaw W/L Series – 2022 – Series Standings – July 06
  July 06 July 13 July 20 July 27
Stand- ing Sail # Boat Name Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Total Boat Name Stand-ing
Approx. wind speed at CB – Kts 8.5 7    
Primary Wind DIR – deg. True 305 290    
1 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates 1 1 2 Corvo 1
2 1248 Kuma San J Lynes & J Heumann 3 3 6 Kuma San 2
3 242 Dorado Joe Daubenberger 2 5 7 Dorado 3
4 1006 Possum Hans Daubenberger 6 2 8 Possum 4
5 642 Owl Dale Dunning 5 4 9 Owl 5
6 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles 4 7 11 Falcon 6
7 1144 Blew Bird Ken Lane 7 6 13 Blew Bird 7
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