Word has it that Kuma San got her very own streak of wind that no one else could find resulting in a finish five minutes ahead of Corvo, the second place boat.

PHRF Catspaw #5 Race Results:- July 08, 2022
Start Time – 18:06:12 Course – CITIBC Course Dist. (n.m.) 5.84  
Final Pos. Sail Num. Boat Name Skipper Name PHRF Rating Finish order Finish Time Elapsed Time Correct-ion Corrected Time Adjust- ments Boat Name Final Pos..
1 1248 Kuma San Lynes & Heumann 198 1 19:31:59 01:25:47 00:19:16 01:06:31   Kuma San 1
2 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates 198 2 19:37:25 01:31:13 00:19:16 01:11:57 Corvo 2
3 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles 198 3 19:59:16 01:53:04 00:19:16 01:33:48   Falcon 3
4 14 Varya Peter & Jen Bates 207 20:08:18 02:02:06 00:20:09 TLE/4 Varya 4
4 190 Raven Sarah Kolbeck 198 20:12:04 02:05:52 00:19:16 TLE/4 Raven 4
4 47879/18727 Surge Oden Smith 159 TLE 00:15:29 TLE/4 Surge 4
4 7019 Pacifica Doug Jones 123 DNF 00:11:58   DNF/4 Pacifica 4
4 39954 Andiamo Again Doug Young 194   DNF   00:18:53   DNF/4 Andiamo Again 4
12 1006 Possum Hans Daubenberger 198 DNC/12 00:19:16 DNC/12 Possum 12
12 Unk Diablo? Unk Unk DNC/12 DNC/12 Diablo 12
12 No Fiddle-head Mathew Mitchell 283 DNC/12 00:27:33 DNC/12 Fiddle-head 12
Pacifica finished between Corvo and Falcon but did not report a time
Surge finished between Falcon and Varya and did not report a time but was probably not within 30 min after the first boat to finish
Varya and Raven did not finish within 2 hrs of their start.
PHRF Catspaw Series – Standings as of July 09, 5 Races run
Final Pos. Sail Num. Boat Name Skipper Name Boat Model PHRF Rating Race 1 06/10 Race 2 06/17 Race 3 06/24 Race 4 07/01 Race 5 07/08 Race 6 07/15 Race 7 07/22 TOTAL SCORE Boat Name Final Pos.
1 1248 Kuma San J. Lynes & J. Heumann T-bird 198 1 1 [3] 2 1     5 Kuma San 1
2 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles T-bird 198 2 2 [4] 1 3     8 Falcon 2
3 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates T-bird 198 4 [DNC/12] 1 DNC/12 2     19 Corvo 3
4 7019 Pacifica Doug Jones S&S Yawl 123 [DNC/12] DNF/3 2 DNC/12 DNF/4     21 Pacifica 4
5 14 Varya Peter & Jen Bates Rhodes 27 207 5 [DNC/12] 5 DNC/12 TLE/4     26 Varya 5
6 47879 Surge Oden Smith SC 27 159 3 [DNC/12] DNC/12 DNC/12 TLE/4     31 Surge 6
7 1006 Possum Hans Daubenberger T-bird 198 [DNC/12] DNC/12 DNF/6 DNF/3 DNC/12     33 Possum 7
8 39954 Andiamo Again Doug Young Bystedt 30 194 [DNC/12] DNC/12 DNF/6 DNC/12 DNF/4     34 Andiamo Again 8
9 Unk Diablo? Unk Unk Unk [DNC/12] DNC/12 DNC/12 DNF/3 DNC/12     39 Diablo? 9
10 190 Raven Sarah Kolbeck T-bird 198 [DNC/12] DNC/12 DNC/12 DNC/12 TLE/4   40 Raven 10
11 No Fiddle-head Mathew Mitchell Hess 26 Cutter 283 [DNC/12] DNC/12 DNF/6 DNC/12 DNC/12     42 Fiddle-head 11