It was another race with a lot of wind. Gusts close to 30kts. Some crews ran their spinnakers, and had a wild ride, others chose the more sedate option and poled their jibs out wing-on-wing for the downwind run.

PTSA Thunderbird Catspaw W/L Series – 2022 – Series Standings – July 13 (Revised)
  July 06 July 13 July 20 July 27
Stand- ing Sail # Boat Name Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Total Boat Name Stand-ing
Approx. wind speed at CB – Kts 8.5 7 15 High wind cancell-ation    
Primary Wind DIR – deg. True 305 290 280    
1 242 Dorado Joe Daubenberger 2 5 2 9 Dorado 1
2 1248 Kuma San J Lynes & J Heumann 3 3 3 9 Kuma San 2
3 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates 1 1 RET/9 11 Corvo 3
4 1144 Blew Bird Ken Lane 7 6 1 14 Blew Bird 4
5 1006 Possum Hans Daubenberger 6 2 6 14 Possum 5
6 642 Owl Dale Dunning 5 4 5 14 Owl 6
7 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles 4 7 4 15 Falcon 7
8 1069 Merlin M Blatter & J Angell DNC/9 DNC/9 7 25 Merlin 8
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