It was a nice night, but pretty windy (15 to 25kts). The course was: City Dock – Indian Point – Tower – Indian Point – Pt. Hudson buoy – City Dock. No spinnakers were flown. Two of the four boats decided not to do the last leg out the the red buoy. The two finishers were Falcon (who lead the whole way) and Kuma San.

PHRF Catspaw #4 Race Results:- July 01, 2022
Start Time – 18:05:00 Course – CITIBC Course Dist. (n.m.) 3.74  
Final Pos. Sail Num. Boat Name Skipper Name PHRF Rating Finish order Finish Time Elapsed Time Correct-ion Corrected Time Adjust- ments Boat Name Final Pos..
1 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles 198 1 19:11:30 01:06:30 00:12:21 00:54:09   Falcon 1
2 1248 Kuma San Lynes & Heumann 198 2 19:12:56 01:07:56 00:12:21 00:55:35   Kuma San 2
3 1006 Possum Hans Daubenberger 198 DNF/3 00:12:21 DNF/3 Possum 3
4 Unk Diablo? Unk Unk DNF/3 DNF/3 Diablo 3
11 14 Varya Peter & Jen Bates 207 DNC/11 00:12:54 DNC/11 Varya 11
11 7019 Pacifica Doug Jones 123   DNC/11 00:07:40   DNC/11 Pacifica 11
11 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates 198 DNC/11   00:11:21 DNC/11 Corvo 11
11 39954 Andiamo Again Doug Young 194 DNC/11 00:12:06 DNC/11 Andiamo Again 11
11 No Fiddle-head Mathew Mitchell 283 DNC/11 00:17:38 DNC/11 Fiddle-head 11
11 47879 Surge Oden Smith 159 DNC/11 00:09:55 DNC/11 Surge 11
Diablo appears to be a new addition to the series. If anyone has information as to boat type, rating, contact info etc. please notify
As additional boats join the series, earlier races are re-scored. This is reflected in the Standings but earlier published results are not updated. However, for the record, the complete individual updated race results will be posted with the Final Standings after the last race of the series.
PHRF Catspaw Series – Standings as of July 01, 4 Races run
Final Pos. Sail Num. Boat Name Skipper Name Boat Model PHRF Rating Race 1 06/10 Race 2 06/17 Race 3 06/24 Race 4 07/01 Race 5 07/08 Race 6 07/15 Race 7 07/22 TOTAL SCORE Boat Name Final Pos.
1 1248 Kuma San J. Lynes & J. Heumann T-bird 198 1 1 [3] 2       4 Kuma San 1
2 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles T-bird 198 2 2 [4] 1       5 Falcon 2
3 7019 Pacifica Doug Jones S&S Yawl 123 [DNC/11] 2 2 DNC/11       15 Pacifica 3
4 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates T-bird 198 4 [DNC/11] 1 DNC/11       16 Corvo 4
5 1006 Possum Hans Daubenberger T-bird 198 [DNC/11] DNC/11 6 3       20 Possum 5
6 14 Varya Peter & Jen Bates Rhodes 27 207 5 [DNC/11] 5 DNC/11       21 Varya 6
7 Unk Diablo? Unk Unk Unk [DNC/11] DNC/11 DNC/11 3       25 Diablo? 7
8 47879 Surge Oden Smith SC 27 159 3 [DNC/11] DNC/11 DNC/11       25 Surge 8
9T 39954 Andiamo Again Doug Young Bystedt 30 194 [DNC/11] DNC/11 6 DNC/11       28 Andiamo Again 9T
9T No Fiddle-head Mathew Mitchell Hess 26 Cutter 283 [DNC/11] DNC/11 6 DNC/11       28 Fiddle-head 9T