It was windy. Twenty, gusting to thirty. “Should we race?”, was the question. After a bunch of discussion and feet shuffling, the answer was yes. Apparently the previous week’s cancellation due to excessive wind had caused a pent up demand to get out on the water. The first race was a knuckle-biting affair in which none of the boats chose to fly their kites. It was two laps around a short course from out in the bay to the Y mark and back to the committee boat. The second race saw the wind drop to a more reasonable level. Owl had a man-overboard when one of the hiking straps parted and the crew member went over backwards into the bay. Good seamanship and quick thinking by the Owl crew resulted in a quick retrieval. The unfortunate swimmer, upon being hoisted back onto the boat was still game to continue and Owl finished the race. Falcon saw a rip in their jib, Corvo lost a batten, otherwise not too much carnage on a frisky evening of racing.

PTSA Thunderbird Sunshine W/L Series – 2022
  May 04 May 11 May 18 May 24
Stand- ing Sail # Boat Name Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Wind Cancellation Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Total Boat Name Stand-ing
Approx. wind speed at CB – Kts 4.5 6 16      
Primary Wind DIR – deg. True 305 310 305      
1 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates 1 [2] 2 1 4 Corvo 1
2 242 Dorado Joe Daubenberger 2 [3] 1 2 5 Dorado 2
3 1248 Kuma San Lynes & Heumann 4 1 4 [DNS/6] 9 Kuma San 3
4 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles 3 [5] 5 3 11 Falcon 4
5 190 Raven Sarah Kolbeck 5 4 [6] 4 13 Raven 5
6 642 Owl Dale Dunning [6] 6 3 5 14 Owl 6
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