This week we managed to squeeze in two challenging races with light and variable breezes. What wind there was was mostly Westerly. Wind velocity approached 5 kts on occasion but was mostly <<3 kts, occasionally near zero for minutes at a time. For both races we took a chance on sounding the Alert when the wind was marginal  for starting a race and both times the the wind grew and the line stayed square to the wind as the sequence progressed and starts were good. The windward mark was about 10- 15 deg to the left of the wind. The first race shortened course at the gate as the leaders were clawing for every inch in the dying breeze. The Plan was to wait to see if the wind came back and to have time for a second race. There was a good square  start but then the wind started to break up into patches of different direction on each lay line. The wind firmed up a little as the fleet approached the gate so the course was not shortened. This was a mistake as the wind was temporary and only half the boats finished inside the time limit (30 min after first finisher).

This was the first time in over a year that kites were flown. Unfortunately there was not enough wind to fill them to all their colorful glory.

This was also the first outing for the newly refurbished and electrically re powered Committee Boat. It is a joy to ride, no noise or vibration, quickly and efficiently sets up an accurate race course, maneuvers well. (retrieving marks in a cross current still needs a little practice). Racers should be clamoring to join the RC just to get a ride!

PTSA Sunshine W/L Series – 2021
  May 05 May 12 May 19 May26  
Stand- ing Sail # Boat Name Skipper Race 1  Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Total Boat Name Stand-ing
1 642 Owl Dale Dunning 1 2   3 Owl 1
2 1006 Possum Hans Daubenberger 3 1   4 Possum 2
3 242 Dorado Joe Daubenberger 2 4   6 Dorado 3
5 1254 Kolus Brantly, A & J 5 3             8 Kolus 5
6 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles 4 TLE/5   9 Falcon 6
7 243 Caveat Doug Bolling 6 DNF/5             11 Caveat 7
8 190 Raven Kolbeck, Sarah 7 DNF/5   12 Raven 8
9 1144 Blew Bird Bill Broekhof 8 DNF/5             13 Blew Bird 9
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