PTSA Whitecap W/L Series – April 14, 2021

The forecast promised steady, Westerly, 8 – 12 mph winds with warm sunshine all evening.

When the course was set up the wind at the Committee Boat was 6 – 8 kts from 290 deg M. The bearing to the pin was 200deg. – square line! The bearing to the Windward mark was 275deg. – not great.

Just before the first start the wind backed to 275deg. – favoring the pin and making W closer to upwind.

The course posted was SWGaW2F intending for the usual course to be sailed twice around, luckily everyone recognized this to be invalid (it should have been SWGaWGaWF) and sailed the usual course, thus allowing time for a second race.

Towards the end of the first race the wind at the CB softened to 6 – 7 kts., veered to 300deg. and continued softening.

For the start of the second race the wind had veered further to 310deg. and dropped to 4 – 5 kts. with the occasional gust to 6. The wind continued to decrease and was essentially gone when the course was shortened at the first return to the CB. While the last boats were finishing the wind started to fill in strongly from the East.

PTSA Whitecap W/L Series – 2021
  April 07 April 17 April 21 April 28  
Stand- ing Sail # Boat Name Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Total Boat Name Stand-ing
1 642 Owl Dale Dunning 3 1 1 [4]         5 T Owl 1
2 242 Dorado Joe Daubenberger [2] 2 2 1         5 T Dorado 2
3 1006 Possum Hans Daubenberger 1 3 [4] 3         7 Possum 3
4 1248 Kuma San Lynes & Heumann 4 4 [5] 5         13 Kuma San 4
5 190 Raven Kolbeck, Sarah [DNC/10] DNC/10 3 2         15 Raven 5
6 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles DSQ/6 5 [DNC/10] DNC/10         21 Falcon 6
7 243 Caveat Doug Bolling [DNC/10] DNC/10 7 6         23 Caveat 7
8 1254 Kolus Brantly, A & J [DNC/10] DNC/10 6 DSQ/10         26 Kolus 8
9 1144 Blew Bird Bill Broekhof [DNC/10] DNC/10 9 9         28 Blew Bird 9
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