The PTSA Racing season is getting underway with the Whitecap Series and a triple first.

The first Friday Random Leg/Casual Race is April 2nd at 18:00 hrs.

The first Wednesday Windward/Leeward races are April 7th. at 18:00 hrs.

The first Distance Race (Smith Island) is Saturday April 10th. at 10:00 hrs.

The full Schedule is the first item under the “Racing” tab, above.

Any Sailboat can play with us.  PTSA membership is not required – just check in with the Race Committee well before the start.

No race experience? – read the SI’s,  (Under the “Racing” tab) they explain the logistics.

Not race equipped? –  A Cruising Class Start can be provided for two or more boats.

Don’t know the Rules? – Read the 10 item summary under”Racing/Racing Rules of Sailing”.

Need a PHRF rating?  – Temporary guesstimates can be provided.

No suitable boat but want to be involved? – The Race Committee is usually looking for Able Bodied help – Email info@ptsail.org.

All you need to do is show up and enjoy the fun.

At the last PTSA Governing Board meeting the Pandemic Rules were reevaluated in the light of current conditions and it was decided to retain the Crew Size and Spinnaker Restrictions, through April, with a view to removing them for May and considering after race gatherings.  The one exception is the Smith Island Race, where any pandemic protections will be entirely at the discretion of each Skipper (Flying sails allowed).

Also under the “Racing” tab:-

PTSA Sailing Instructions for 2021 – make a copy for your boat.

Distance races – Descriptions and links to Sailing Instructions Addenda.

Link to RRS (2021-2024) – They were updated this year, better check them out.  Also includes 10 Item basic Summary.

Link to Safety Equipment Requirements, with which, all competitors are expected to comply.