Due to the Race Committee’s failure to sync reality with the calendar and the published race schedule, an earlier version of this report erroneously referred to races 9, 10, 11 of the Cat’s Paw series. In fact last Wednesday’s races were #1, #2, & #3 of the Dog Days Series. Sorry for any confusion that was created in others.

Once again a steady, moderate, NW breeze allowed for three races (plus a false start – just for practice). As a break from rounding the pin, course SILF (1.1 nm.) was set. The CB was positioned such that leg 1 was 50% longer than leg 3. Boats completed the course in 20 – 25 mins.

After the start of the first race the wind at the CB was slowly oscillating between 8.5 & 10.5 kts. and 270 & 280ºM, no sudden gusts or shifts. It did sag to 4 – 7 kts in the middle of the race but picked up again.

After the start of the second race the wind had steadied on 280º but dropped to 4.5 – 6.5 kts. For the third race the wind backed 10º and became more variable in speed, oscillating between 3 & 8 kts.

The results table, below, has been reformatted and reoriented to better fit on a cellphone screen.


PTSA Thunderbird August Dog Days Series 2019
Standings – Three Races Sailed
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sail # 1190 1069 542 1248 242 1177 944 448
Boat Name Raven Magic Bus Tem-pest Kuma San Dorado Falcon Mabu-hay Tzieu!
Skipper Name Blackbd Assocs. Dunlap, Piper + Canty, Dennis Lynes, John Jackson, Molly Nikles, Roland Barron, Greg Walker, Scott
Race 1 8/07/19 1 2 3 5 4 6 8 7
Race 2 8/07/19 1 2 3 5 4 7 6 8
Race 3 8/07/19 1 5 3 2 4 6 7 8
Race 4                
Race 5                
Race 6                
Race 7                
Race 8                
Race 9                
Pt. Total 3 9T 9T 12T 12T 19 21 23
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Results Provisional until Final Standings
[ ] Denotes Throw-out