We had a total of 20 folks show up and we able to accomplish a whole assortment of projects (thank you sunshine). The committee boat received a super scrub down along with the RC gang going through an inventory process for safety and other equipment. Paul led a crew to work on the Laser trailer which led to the 4th club Laser being stored on the trailer. A couple of folks cleaned Mustang Sally so she’ll be ready for her next step in prepping for chainplates. The race mark buoys s got scrubbed and painted. Thanks to Steve for the food and organizing the move around in the clubhouse for the carpet cleaning, also for bringing Jillian, who lead the pruning and landscape crew. Jeff Brantley brought needed materials to clean, prep and paint the mark bouys. Matthew Mitchel brought his handy sand/vacuum set-up that was a big help too.
We finished up on the sun porch with lunch and guitar (thanks Daubie) and dreams of the next one!