This generally popular series was plagued this year by winds not following their forecast (so what else is new?).

The first race, Smith Island One, had the most reasonable predicted and consistent winds. Seven boats completed the 27.7 mile course in about 5 hrs.

For the second race there was a Gale warning in the Strait so plan B (New in the SI’s this year) was called, and a longish course (7.1 nm) was set around the buoys within the bay in the anticipation of it being more sheltered. It is possible that many of our racers are unaware of this alternate opportunity to race when it is dangerous outside the bay. Five Thunderbirds and the Sweden 45 came out. Three Birds finished within 4 minutes, the rest retired.

Protection Island One had the biggest fleet of the series with Eight boats. The wind at the start was good and the fleet quickly disappeared round Pt Hudson but apparently conditions deteriorated from there as there were no finishers.

Smith Island Two was another race that started well but no-one could finish. Unfortunately the RC is missing the records of who started in the race, if they are recovered the post will be updated. Not every boat posted their DNF after the race.

Protection Island Two needed two attempts to get started as the slowly growing breeze was unstable. In the end there was not enough breeze by the island to stem the change of tide and again no one finished. This is another instance of a missing starter list.

For the Bush Point race we have all the records. Five boats started and five boats finished, most taking around four hours  for the 17 miles of tricky currents and avoiding big ships.

Bush Point Distance Race Results:- Aug. 17 2024
  Start Time — 10:20:00   Course — Bush Point. Course Distance (n.m.) — 17
Score Sail # Boat Name Skipper Name Boat Type PHRF Rating Finish order Finish Time Elapsed Time Correction Corrected Time Adjust- ments Boat Name Score
1 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles Thunderbird 150 2 14:16:57 03:56:57 00:42:30 03:14:27   Falcon 1
2 161 Salsa David James J29 FR 123 1 14:13:31 03:53:31 00:34:51 03:18:40   Salsa 2
3 14 Varya Jen & Peter Bates Rhodes 27 186 3 14:42:48 04:22:48 00:52:42 03:30:06   Varya 3
4 1254 Corvo Blackbird Associates Thunderbird 150 5 15:53:30 05:33:30 00:42:30 04:51:00   Corvo 4
5 4530 Amsala Paul Rust Sweden 45 69 4 15:32:20 05:12:20 00:19:33 04:52:47   Amsala 5
16 ? Furthermore Ari Rubenstein Moore 24 168 DNC/16         DNC/16 Furthermore 16
16 ? Greasy Chicken Fingers Chris Iroz Capri 32 219 DNC/16         DNC/16 Greasy Chicken Fingers 16
16 4670 Heron Dakota Small Ohlson 38 Yawl 162 DNC/16         DNC/16 Heron 16
16 642 Owl Dale Dunning Thunderbird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Owl 16
16 18944 Sir Isaac John Bailey CB 49’ Schooner 99 DNC/16         DNC/16 Sir Isaac 16
16 46217 Magdalena Greg & Leslie Barron J120 48 DNC/16         DNC/16 Magdalena 16
16 ? Maluhia {cruising} ? 40 200 DNC/16         DNC/16 Maluhia 16
16 1256 Road Runner Ken Lane Thunderbird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Road Runner 16
16 D8 Cito Sean & Inger Rankins Spidsgatter 26 255 DNC/16         DNC/16 Cito 16
16 1069 Merlin Mark Blattner / Jim Angell Thunderbird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Merlin 16
PTSA Distance Race Series 2024 – Final Standings – Six Races Run
Apr 13 Apr 27 May 11 Jun 15 Jul 06 Aug 17
Stand-ing Sail # Boat Name Skipper Name Boat Type PHRF Rating Smith Is. 1 7 Boats “Partridge/McCurdy Pts”, 6 boats Protection Island 1 , 7 Boats Smith Is. 2 Protection Island 2 Bush Point 5 Boats Total Score Boat Name Stand ing
1 4530 Amsala Paul Rust Sweden 45 69 6 RET/4 DNF/1     5 16 Amsala 1
2 642 Owl Dale Dunning Thunderbird 150 3 2 DNF/1 No Finishes No Finishes DNC/16 22 Owl 2
3 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles Thunderbird 150 2 3 DNC/16     1 22 Falcon 3
4 161 Salsa David James J29 FR 123 5 DNC/16 DNF/1 Record of Starters Unavailable Record of Starters Unavailable 2 24 Salsa 4
5 46217 Magdalena Greg & Leslie Barron J120 48 4 DNC/16 DNF/1 DNC/16 37 Magdalena 5
6 1254 Corvo Blackbird Associates Thunderbird 150 DNC/16 RET/4 DNC/16 4 40 Corvo 6
7 1256 Road Runner Ken Lane Thunderbird 150 DNC/16 1 DNC/16     DNC/16 49 Road Runner 7
8 D8 Cito Sean & Inger Rankins Spitsgatter 26 255 1 DNC/16 DNC/16     DNC/16 49 Cito 8
9T 18944 Sir Isaac John Bailey CB 49’ Schooner 99 DNC/16 DNC/16 RET/1     DNC/16 49 Sir Isaac 9T
9T ? Furthermore Ari Rubenstein Moore 24 168 DNC/16 DNC/16 DNF/1     DNC/16 49 Furthermore 9T
9T 4670 Heron Dakota Small Ohlson 38 Yawl 162 DNC/16 DNC/16 DNF/1     DNC/16 49 Heron 9T
9T ? Greasy Chicken Fingers Chris Iroz Capri 22 219 DNC/16 DNC/16 DNF/1     DNC/16 49 Greasy Chicken Fingers 9T
10 14 Varya Jen & Peter Bates Rhodes 27 186 DNC/16 DNC/16 DNC/16     3 51 Varya 10
11 1069 Merlin Mark Blattner/ Jim Angell Thunderbird 150 DNC/16 DNF/4 DNC/16     DNC/16 52 Merlin 11
12 ? Maluhia {cruising} ? 40 200 7 DNC/16 DNC/16     DNC/16 55 Maluhia 12
Smith Island 1 Distance Race Results:- April 13th. 2024
  Start Time 10:09:00   Course Smith & Minor Is. Course Distance (n.m.) 27.7
Score Sail # Boat Name Skipper Name Boat Type PHRF Rating Finish order Finish Time Elapsed Time Correction Corrected Time Adjust- ments Boat Name Score
1 D8 Cito Sean & Inger Rankins Spidsgatter 26 255 5 15:49:30 05:40:30 01:57:43 03:42:46   Cito 1
2 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles T-bird 150 2 15:05:52 04:56:52 01:09:15 03:47:37   Falcon 2
3 642 Owl Dale Dunning T-bird 150 3 15:05:57 04:56:57 01:09:15 03:47:42   Owl 3
4 46217 Magdalena Greg & Leslie Barron J120 48 1 14:34:04 04:25:04 00:22:09 04:02:54   Magdalena 4
5 161 Salsa David James J29 FR 123 4 15:19:47 05:10:47 00:56:47 04:13:59   Salsa 5
6 4530 Amsala Paul Rust Sweden 45 69 6 16:39:47 06:30:47 00:31:51 05:58:55   Amsala 6
7 ? Maluhia {cruising} ? 40 200 7 18:08:31 07:59:31 01:32:20 06:27:11   Maluhia 7
16 1254 Corvo Blackbird Associates T-bird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Corvo 16
16 93 Furthermore Ari Rubenstein Moore 24 168 DNC/16         DNC/16 Furthermore 16
16   Greasy Chicken Fingers Chris Iroz Capri 32 219 DNC/16         DNC/16 Greasy Chicken Fingers 16
16   Heron Dakota Small Ohlson 38’ Yawl 162 DNC/16         DNC/16 Heron 16
16 1069 Merlin Mark Blattner/ Jim Angell T-bird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Merlin 16
16 1256 Road Runner Ken Lane T-bird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Road Runner 16
16 18944 Sir Isaac John Bailey CB 49’ Schooner 99 DNC/16         DNC/16 Sir Isaac 16
16 14 Varya Jen & Peter Bates Rhodes 27 186 DNC/16         DNC/16 Varya 16
Results: for alternate “Pt. Partrige/McCurdy Pt.” in Bay Race – April 27 2024
  Start Time 10:35:00   Course SGHCGHF   Course Distance (n.m.) 7.1
Score Sail # Boat Name Skipper Name Boat Type PHRF Rating Finish order Finish Time Elapsed Time Correction Corrected Time Adjust- ments Boat Name Score
1 1256 Road Runner Ken Lane Thunderbird 150 1 12:57:20 02:22:20 00:17:45 02:04:35   Road Runner 1
2 642 Owl Dale Dunning Thunderbird 150 2 12:59:13 02:24:13 00:17:45 02:06:28   Owl 2
3 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles Thunderbird 150 3 13:01:10 02:26:10 00:17:45 02:08:25   Falcon 3
4 1069 Merlin Mark Blattner/ Jim Angell Thunderbird 150 DNF/4       DNF/4 Merlin 4
4 4530 Amsala Paul Rust Sweden 45 69 RET/4       RET/4 Amsala 4
4 1254 Corvo Blackbird Associates Thunderbird 150 DNF/4       RET/4 Corvo 4
16 161 Salsa David James J29 FR 123 DNC/16       DNC/16 Salsa 16
16 ? Maluhia {cruising} ? 40 200 DNC/16       DNC/16 Maluhia 16
16 46217 Magdalena Greg & Leslie Barron J120 48 DNC/16       DNC/16 Magdalena 16
16 D8 Cito Sean & Inger Rankins Spidsgatter 26 255 DNC/16       DNC/16 Cito 16
16   Greasy Chicken Fingers Chris Iroz Capri 32 219 DNC/16       DNC/16 Greasy Chicken Fingers 16
16 93 Furthermore Ari Rubenstein Moore 24 168 DNC/16       DNC/16 Furthermore 16
16 18944 Sir Isaac John Bailey CB 49’ Schooner 99 DNC/16       DNC/16 Sir Isaac 16
16   Heron Dakota Small Ohlson 38 Yawl 162 DNC/16       DNC/16 Heron 16
16 14 Varya Jen & Peter Bates Rhodes 27 186 DNC/16       DNC/16 Varya 16
Protection Island 1 Distance Race Results:- May 11th. 2024
  Start Time — 10:05:00   Course — Protection Is. Course Distance (n.m.) — 22.1
Score Sail # Boat Name Skipper Name Boat Type PHRF Rating Finish order Finish Time Elapsed Time Correction Corrected Time Adjust- ments Boat Name Score
1 161 Salsa David James J29 FR 123 DNF/1         DNF/1 Salsa 1
1 4530 Amsala Paul Rust Sweden 45 69 DNF/1         DNF/1 Amsala 1
1 ? Furthermore Ari Rubenstein Moore 24 168 DNF/1         DNF/1 Furthermore 1
1 ? Greasy Chicken Fingers Chris Iroz Capri 32 219 DNF/1         DNF/1 Greasy Chicken Fingers 1
1 4670 Heron Dakota Small Ohlson 38 Yawl 162 DNF/1         DNF/1 Heron 1
1 642 Owl Dale Dunning Thunderbird 150 DNF/1         DNF/1 Owl 1
1 18944 Sir Isaac John Bailey CB 49’ Schooner 99 RET/1         RET/1 Sir Isaac 1
1 46217 Magdalena Greg & Leslie Barron J120 48 DNF/1         DNF/1 Magdalena 1
16 ? Maluhia {cruising} ? 40 200 DNC/16         DNC/16 Maluhia 16
16 1256 Road Runner Ken Lane Thunderbird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Road Runner 16
16 D8 Cito Sean & Inger Rankins Spidsgatter 26 255 DNC/16         DNC/16 Cito 16
16 1069 Merlin Mark Blattner / Jim Angell Thunderbird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Merlin 16
16 1254 Corvo Blackbird Associates Thunderbird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Corvo 16
16 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles Thunderbird 150 DNC/16         DNC/16 Falcon 16
16 14 Varya Jen & Peter Bates Rhodes 27 186 DNC/16         DNC/16 Varya 16
Smith Island 2 Distance Race :- June 15th. 2024
  Start Time 10:05:00   Course Smith & Minor Is. Course Distance (n.m.) 27.7
No boat finished. Record of Starters is missing.
Protection Island 2 Distance Race :- July 06th. 2024
  Start Time — 10:35:00   Course — Protection Is. Course Distance (n.m.) — 22.1
No boat finished. Record of Starters is missing.