Eight boats came out to enjoy a warm sunny evening but were faced with fickle winds.

At 17:30 the wind on City Dock was 2 – 5 kts. with lulls to zero and gusts to 7 kts. The wind direction swung between NW and NE. Some of this unsteadiness is caused by the buildings on shore when the wind is from this sector. The water surface indicated that the wind had yet to reach the far half of the bay.

Setting a reasonable course, beyond a reach up & down the waterfront is a bit sporty. As more often than not a NW wind stiffens and fills the bay as the evening progresses, course SITICBF was set. This week the wind did not improve during the race and it became a light air challenge. By 19:05 when the last boat rounded the tower the wind at the dock was down to ~2.5 kts, gusts to 3.5, W-NW. The course was shortened at C (~4.4 nm.) and the first boat finished at 19:26:51.

PHRF Whitecap Series 2023 – Race #2 Results:- Apr 28
Start Time – 18:05:00 Course – CITIC Course Dist (n.m.) 4.38  
Final Pos. Sail Num. Boat Name Skipper Name PHRF Rating Finish order Finish Time Elapsed Time Correction Factor Corrected Time Adjust- ments Boat Name Final Pos..
1 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates 198 3 19:28:12 01:23:12 0.9053 01:15:19   Corvo 1
2 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles 198 4 19:29:50 01:24:50 0.9053 01:16:47   Falcon 2
3 1248 Kuma San J. Lynes & J. Heumann 198 5 19:30:06 01:25:06 0.9053 01:17:02   Kuma San 3
4 126 Underdog Robert Ambrose & Dan Ginther 162 1 19:26:51 01:21:51 0.9531 01:18:00   Underdog 4
5 14 Varya Peter & Jen Bates 186 6 19:46:19 01:41:19 0.9207 01:33:16   Varya 5
6 46217 Magdalena Greg & Lesley Barron 48 2 19:27:03 01:22:03 1.1444 01:33:53   Magdalena 6
7 39954 Andiamo Again Doug Young 189 7 19:49:51 01:44:51 0.9168 01:36:07   Andiamo Again 7
8 49776 Visa Mike Gaede & Margaret Stoermer 210 8 19:59:29 01:54:29 0.8904 01:41:56   Visa 8
PHRF Whightcap Series – Series Standings 04/28/23 – 2 Races Run
Posit -ion Sail # Boat Name Skipper Boat Model PHRF Race 1, 31 Mar Race 2, 14 Apr Race 3, 28 Apr Race 4, 06 May Race 5, 19 May Total Points Boat Name Posit -ion
1 1190 Corvo Blackbird Associates Thunderbird 195 Cancelled by gale 3 1     4 Corvo 1
2 1248 Kuma San J. Lynes, J. Heumann Thunderbird 195 1 3     4 Kuma San 2
3 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles Thunderbird 195 2 2     4 Falcon 3
4 14 Varya Jen & Peter Bates Rhodes 27 196 4 5     9 Varya 4
5 126 Underdog Robert Ambrose & Dan Ginther Ultimate 20 162 DNC/8 4     12 Underdog 5
6 39954 Andiamo Again Doug Young Bysteadt 30 189 5 7     12 Andiamo Again 6
7 46217 Magdalena Greg & Lesley Barron J120-2 48 DNC/8 6     14 Magdalena 7
8 49776 Visa Mike Gaede & Margaret Stoermer Islander 32 210 6 8     14 Visa 8
Scores in [ ] are throw-outs – one per series Send C & C’s (Corrections & Complaints) to info@ptsail.org