Don’t put your boats away after the Festival! We will continue the celebration of wooden boats by having a new event: The Wooden Boat Buoy Run. It will be held Sunday 10/16 and will be a casual sail around the buoys and marks (and the Tower) on Port Townsend Bay. Sailing Rules of the Road will be followed.

This event is open to all sizes and types of wooden sailboats. There will be two classes: one for boats 25’ and under and one for larger boats. This will provide the opportunity for vessels of similar size to sail with each other. Local photographer Elizabeth Becker will be on the water to take photographs.

The schedule is as follows:

10:00am – Skipper’s meeting at the head of A/B dock in Boat Haven Marina. Printed material with the start sequence and course information will be handed out to skippers and there will be time for questions.

12:00pm –Start for 25’ and under boats off city dock. You will have 10 minutes to cross the start line.

12:15pm – Start for larger boats off city dock.

4:00pm –Bring a snack and beverages to share and meet your fellow wooden boat owners at the blue PTSA container beside West Marine, 2428 Washington St.

PTSA wants as many wooden boats out on the water as possible. Please come and sail! If this is a success we plan to make Buoy Runs a regular event.

If you have questions or comments please send an email to: