The final evening of the Sunshine series was something of a frustration for all involved. Even though there was good stable wind when setting up the course, the forecast was for lighter winds so the course was set shorter than it has been recently.

Just before the start, the wind direction and the bearing to the barely visible I mark were both ~310 deg M. the start line was ~5 deg boat favored. Wind speed hovered at 9 kts. At the start the wind had eased enough to throw off timing and all boats were well behind the line at the gun.

The wind continued to soften, and towards the beach, the current  became a significant factor. The mid part of the first downwind leg allowed for some competitive sailing until the wind all but died. While the RC was debating shortening the course, the wind came back to 3 kts, the first boat was through the gate, and it was too late.

The wind then died again, the last boat having difficulty rounding the gate. New wind, from the NE, could just be felt and was visible on the water at the mouth of the bay but it never settled in. The rest of the race was a challenge.of patience and skill.

There was no enthusiasm (or wind) for a second race.

PTSA Sunshine W/L Series – 2021 -Series Final
  May 05 May 12 May 19 May26  
Stand- ing Sail # Boat Name Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Total Boat Name Stand-ing
1 242 Dorado Joe Daubenberger [2] [4] 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 Dorado 1
2 1006 Possum Hans Daubenberger 3 1 [5] 3 [5] 2 4 1 14 Possum 2
3 642 Owl Dale Dunning 1 2 4 [6] 3 [OCS/9] 3 5 18 Owl 3
4 1177 Falcon Roland Nikles 4 [TLE/5] 3 4 4 3 2 [DNC/12] 20 Falcon 4
5 1254 Kolus Brantly, A & J 5 3 2 2 2 [OCS/9] OCS/9 [DNC/12] 23 Kolus 5
6 190 Raven Kolbeck, Sarah [7] DNF/5 6 5 6 [DSQ/9] 5 3 30 Raven 6
7 1144 Blew Bird Bill Broekhof [8] DNF/5 7 8 7 5 7 [DNC/12] 39 Blew Bird 7
8 1248 Kuma San Lynes & Heumann [DNC/12] [DNC/12] DNC/12 DNC/12 DNC/12 4 6 4 50 Kuma San 8
9 243 Caveat Doug Bolling 6 DNF/5 [DNC/12] [DNC/12] DNC/12 DNC/12 DNC/12 DNC/12 59 Caveat 9
10 448 Tsieu Scott Walker [DNC/12] [DNC/12] DNS/8 7 DNS/8 DNC/12 DNC/12 DNC/12 59 Tsieu 10
11 1069 Merlin ? [DNC/12] [DNC/12] DNC/12 DNC/12 DNC/12 DNC/12 DNC/12 6 66 Merlin 11
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