Sixteen boats (the most this season) came out for the Halloween race. It was trick & treat, a beautiful sunny afternoon but with very anemic breezes.

While the RC was deciding on a course the wind on the dock was Northerly 2 – 2.5 kts. with occasional gusts to 3. The wind shadows indicated similar conditions throughout the bay. The wind forecast called for a slight strengthening later in the afternoon, and there appeared to be wind outside the bay, so course SBTYF was set.

The start (delayed for the construction of the missing letter B) appeared a little chaotic with so many boats in one start but those choosing the pier end of the line did well. Next time there are so many boats the fleet should be split into two starting classes. The wind at the start was 3.5-4 kts G5 from 010 ºM. It appeared to strengthen as hoped as the leaders cleared Point Hudson.

There was reasonable wind until halfway to the Tower when it pretty much shut down and the RC started to regret not having set a course which could be shortened. After struggling to round the Tower the leaders began to feel an increasing Northwesterly. The leg from Y became a brisk reach for the Finish. The last boat beat TLE by just 2 secs. At the Dock the wind while finishing was 6 – 8 kts. 330ºM.

This race made a fine finalé to an unusual and difficult season. Many thanks and congratulations to all who participated and commiserations to the crew left on the dock due to the Covid restrictions.

PTSA Halloween Race 2020

Start Date/Time = Saturday, October 31, 2020 13:20:00.0, Length (nm) = 5.43

Pos Sail Boat Skipper Rating Finish
1 642 Owl Dunning, Dale 198 2 14:55:07.0 00:17:55.1 01:17:11.9 00:00:00.0 1.0
2 242 Dorado Daubenberger, Joe 198 3 14:56:33.0 00:17:55.1 01:18:37.9 00:01:26.0 2.0
3 190 Raven Blackbird, Assoc. 198 4 14:57:03.0 00:17:55.1 01:19:07.9 00:01:56.0 3.0
4 1069 Magic Bus Ginther, Dan 198 5 14:57:38.0 00:17:55.1 01:19:42.9 00:02:31.0 4.0
5 1254 Corvo Blackbird, Assoc. 198 6 14:58:24.0 00:17:55.1 01:20:28.9 00:03:17.0 5.0
6 1177 Falcon Nikles, Roland 198 7 15:00:03.0 00:17:55.1 01:22:07.9 00:04:56.0 6.0
7 1248 Kuma San Huemann, Lynes 198 8 15:00:43.0 00:17:55.1 01:22:47.9 00:05:36.0 7.0
8 1006 Possum Daubenberger, Hans 198 9 15:01:08.0 00:17:55.1 01:23:12.9 00:06:01.0 8.0
9 18944 Sir Isaac Bailey, John 93 1 14:53:23.0 00:08:25.0 01:24:58.0 00:07:46.1 9.0
10 332 Coco Solo Carey, John 198 10 15:03:05.0 00:17:55.1 01:25:09.9 00:07:58.0 10.0
11 GY Opus Dunlap, Piper 255 12 15:08:17.0 00:23:04.6 01:25:12.4 00:08:00.5 11.0
12 1144 Blew Bird Broekoff, Bill 198 11 15:06:54.0 00:17:55.1 01:28:58.9 00:11:47.0 12.0
13 D 8 Cito Rankins, Sean 255 13 15:12:34.0 00:23:04.6 01:29:29.4 00:12:17.5 13.0
14 C 27 Island Caper ?, ? 243 15 15:13:19.0 00:21:59.5 01:31:19.5 00:14:07.6 14.0
15 39954 Andiamo Again ?, ? 185 14 15:13:08.0 00:16:44.6 01:36:23.5 00:19:11.6 15.0
DNF 81 Aurora ?, ? 210 DNF No Time 00:19:00.3 No Time No Time DNF 17.0