Report from Doug Jones on Pacifica:  The winds were very light but there looked to be a little up by Point Wilson, also the tide was ebbing. So I set a course out to Point Wilson and back. Unfortunately what little wind there was faded as the fleet came back to the Point Hudson buoy and we ended up fighting the current until it went slack. At that point most of the TBirds were ahead of Pacifica, so we fired up the motor to get to “C” to take times. Other than the really light wind it was a great evening.

The course was start at mark “C” STBD,  “B” port, “M” port ( northern most mooring buoy), “B” STBD, “C” port for finish.

There were 7 boats: 5 T Birds and 2 PHRF.

1 – Corvos 20:32:37
2 – Possum 20:42:00
3 – Kolus 20:46:05
Raven dnf
Falcon dnf
Northern Star dnf
Pacifica dnf

Start time was 18:06:00.

Series standing will be updated sometime in the future.