Thanks for Joining or Renewing!

It is members like you that keep the organization strong. Thanks in advance for your generosity and support. We look forward to a great year of racing and lots of fun social and educational events in our clubhouse at Boat Haven. As a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your membership, if above the “Skipper” level, is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The membership levels for 2025 are:

Patron – $1,000

Unreasonably Generous Supporter – $500

Generous Supporter – $300

Skipper – $100

Crew – $40

If you would like to make a one-off donation to PTSA please click here.

If you would like to be a sponsor and have your logo displayed on the web site click here ($250).

PTSA Member Signup for 2025

PTSA Member Signup for 2025




If you have any questions or concerns please send an email to


In consideration of participating in sailing events sponsored or organized by the Port Townsend Sailing Association (PTSA), the participant on his or her own behalf  and on behalf of participant’s heirs, executors and next of kin, hereby forever waives and releases PTSA, the owners and operators of all committee boats and tenders, and all officiants (“Released Parties’), of all claims, demands, damages, judgments, rights of action or causes of action, whether the same be known, anticipated or unanticipated, which a participant may have, or claim to have, against any Released Party resulting from death, personal injury, property damage or other loss participant may sustain as a result of participating in any race, regatta or other activities sponsored by PTSA. THIS RELEASE IS INTENDED TO DISCHARGE EACH RELEASED PARTY FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WITH RELEASOR’S PARTICIPATION IN A PTSA EVENT EVEN IF THAT LIABILITY ARISES OUT OF NEGLIGENCE OR CARELESSNESS ON THE PART OF ANY RELEASED PARTY. 


Participants hereby acknowledge that serious accidents occasionally occur during sailing activities and that mortal or serious personal injuries and/or property damage or other loss may result from participation in PTSA events. Participants knowingly assume such risks of participation in these events. All boats participating in PTSA events must be insured for participant liability (with no exclusion for racing) in the minimum amount of $300,000.   Participants agree to abide by all rules of the PTSA in connection with participation in any Regatta or event and understand that the failure to observe and obey such rules may result in instant revocation of Releasor’s(s’) right to participate in any PTSA event. It is also understood that if the Releasor is a skipper and/or boat owner, then that person is additionally responsible for each person on his/her boat, whether acting as crew or passenger. Participants shall at all times exercise prudent seamanship, maintain a proper lookout under all circumstances, and abide by the requirements of the racing rules of sailing Rule 14, which states in part: “AVOIDING CONTACT. A boat shall avoid contact with another boat if reasonably possible.”  

By clicking the yes option, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by the PTSA Release of Liability, that you knowingly assume the normal risks inherent in sailboat racing, that you will maintain the required liability insurance, exercise prudent seamanship and adhere by the requirements of Rule 14.