President's Award

The Ed Barcott Trophy

PHRF Boats of the Year Trophy

Thunderbird Boats of the Year Trophy
Thanks You's and Service Awards - 2022
Pacemaker/Ed Barcott Award – Jeff Brantley. Jeff seemed to be everywhere help was needed in 2022. Committee Boat Captain, Fleet 33 race advisor, PTSA board member. He organized the removal and reinstallation of the race marks. He helped manage the Tbird Regatta. His “after action reviews” will help us do better running bigger events. And there is more. Thanks Jeff.
Thanks You’s – The Race Committee: Tuscan, Dave Wilkerson, Nell, Angela, Dave Burrows, Jeff, and Holly for dock starts on Friday races. This group really came together this year to become well oiled race committee machine!
President’s Award – The Kuma San Crew. John Lynes – a very longtime member of the PTSA board and has been our Treasurer for a number of years. Always available to help. Able skipper of Kuma San. Jim Heumann – Webmaster, long-time member of the PTSA board including past president. David Grubb, foredeck ace. Bob Denny, long time racer, trimmer, provider of good advice.
Racing Awards - 2022
PHRF Boats of the Year
- Racing Class – Pacifica
- Cruising Class – Varya
- Small Boat Class – Houat
- Thunderbird Class – Kuma San
Thunderbird Boats of the Year:
- Corvo
- Dorado
- Kuma San
- Falcon
Most Races Sailed – Thunderbird – Falcon (77 out of 79)
Most Races Sailed – PHRF – Pacifica
Most Improved – Andiamo Again
Thanks You's and Service Awards - 2021
Holly Kays (President’s award) – Every successful organization needs someone like Holly. Her range of skills, contacts and great wisdom is extensive and her ability to just get things done is deeply appreciated.
Jim Heumann (Ed Barcott award) – Webmaster extraordinaire, long-time member of the PTSA board including past president, adventurer (sailed to the South Pacific and peddled WA 360) Co-owner of the T – bird Kuma San and now the organizational brains behind the Shipwright’s Regatta.
John Lynes – John is a longtime member of the PTSA board and has been our Treasurer for a number of years. He does magic behind the scenes and seems to always be around when there is work to be done. Co-owner of Kuma San.
Jeff Brantley – Wants to be on the water every day. The wetter and colder the better. The strongest, toughest person I have ever met. Really smart too. Committee Boat Captain, Fleet 33 race advisor, PTSA board member.
Tuscan – Innovative, Reliable, Accurate. One-of-a-kind Port Townsend Resident. Valuable part of the Race Committee. Thank – you so much.
Dave Wilkerson – Quiet man of many talents and valuable part of the Race Committee`. A true weather wizard.
Dave Burrows – Hard working, dedicated, accurate. The inspiration for the Committee Boat. I wanted to name it “Mr. Burrows” but he was aghast and said “please don’t”. Did I mention humble? We cannot thank you enough or too often.
Racing Awards - 2021
PHRF Boats of the Year
- Racing Class – Pacifica
- Cruising Class – Varya
- Small Boat Class – Murrelet
- Thunderbird Class – Mabuhay
Thunderbird Boats of the Year:
- Dorado
- Owl
- Falcon
- Kuma San