This weekend is PTSA’s overnight trip to Watmough Bay.  Call it competitive cruising, or efficiently proficient sailing with a party thrown in! We start at 10:00 a.m. at City Dock.  There will be no flag or horn. Just be there to see if you can find the most efficient route for the 20 mile crossing from Port Townsend to Watmough Bay.

If you prefer, bring your power boat.

Watmough Bay is located on the SE tip of Lopez Island.  It is a dramatic setting:  a protected Bay nestled between steep sided cliffs, an easily accessible pebble beach at the head of the bay with access to a well developed trail system.

The Finish line is marked by the south end of Boulder Island and a  crossing a bearing of 072 degrees magnetic. Report your finish time at PTSA Race Results. This, in reverse, will also be the start line Sunday morning @ 10:00 a.m. Finish line for the return trip is City Dock. Again, report your times and participation at PTSA Race Results.

Come join us. Let’s have a party at Watmough Bay!