Five boat came out on a sunny day.  The wind was fairly light at the dock but increased as the afternoon went on such that it was gusting into the 20’s during the race.  The big yellow mark was stationed near where “I” would normally be and a start line was set in the middle of the bay with the course being “Start, Yellow, Green bouy by the navy dock, Finish”.

Owl had a good start and lead the entire way having an especially strong downwind leg under spinnaker.  Raven followed them also running their spinnaker in the strong breeze, but provided a little more excitement for the other boats to watch with a near broach. Kuma San and Possum choose not to run spinnakers.  Kuma rounded the leeward mark in third but mistakenly headed for the yellow bouy instead of the finish line and thus did not finish. Possum, who joined the race late, finished third. Murrelet was also out sailing again proving that a small boat can have fun in a strong breeze.

PTSA Frostbite Series 2020
Series Position Boat Name Sail # Skipper Name Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Points
1 Raven 1190 Blackbird Associates 1 2 2 5
2 Owl 642 Dale Dunning DNC 7 1 1 9
3 Kuma San 542 Jim Heumann / John Lynes 2 6 DNF 5 13
4 Falcon 1177 Roland Nikles 3 4 DNC 7 14
5 Magic Bus 1069 Dunlap / Ginther /   4 3 DNC 7 14
6 Possum 1006 Hans Daubenberger DNC 7 5 3 15
7 Murrelet Bertrum Levy 5 7 5 17