If you have visited this web site before you will see some changes – hopefully they are improvements!  If you find anything that doesn’t seem to work right please send Jim Heumann an email at webmaster@ptsail.org.  The big changes are:

  • You can now join or renew your membership and pay on-line.  Click on the “Join/renew” menu item.
  • Discussion forums are available.  Click on the “Forums” menu item.
  • There is a new page dedicated to the PHRF fleet.  Click the “Fleets” menu item.
  • There is a new “tag cloud” in the footer at the bottom of every page.  Click on one of the links to find older posts on various topics.
  • You can sign up to be on the email list in the footer.
  • Comments will be turned on for most posts.  We’d like to hear what you think

Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Here are a few photos from the last few Saturdays.
