Sunday afternoon’s race was blown off the Bay with the first serious wind storm of the fall. At 11:15 Myron put out the racing canceled flag on the picnic table by the yard office in Boat Haven after first checking the ferry wind which was showing 28 to 30.

Not everyone one was discouraged by the breeze as Satch and crew put in a heavy reef, changed down to a #3 or #4 and made it out on the Bay. Piper and Dan were also seen enjoying the white caps and rollers. Our hats off to them out of respect. The southerly breeze died off by mid-afternoon and almost immediately did a 180, roaring back as an equally strong westerly. After the sunny, easy sailing of most of September, it had the feeling of the wind getting back to work and checking that it could still roar in both of it’s favorite directions.

Time to check your dock lines and maybe think about stowing the dodger.