Shipwrights Regatta

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Registration coming soon. Registration automatically enters you in a drawing for a free haul-out, provided courtesy of Boat Haven and Seaview Marine.  Many thanks for their ongoing support of this race.  If you forgot to register, you can still come out, but you will not be eligible for free haul out drawing.
Mystery winners and prizes to be awarded at the discretion of the committee, to be announced along with winners of the free haul-outs (2) on the PTSA website together with race results.
Come one, come all; let’s start the 2021 sailing season with gusto.
This year’s Shipwrights Regatta will be conducted under Covid Rules.  Each skipper is required to familiarize him/herself with the rules applicable at the time of the race and to comply.  Here is a link to the Washington State Covid-19 website.

Sunday Funday – July 21, Aug 11, Sept 15, Oct 20

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